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Promelt Slicer Extreme (20 kg)
Price per bag on order of 6-9 skids - $14.99
Price per bag on order of 10+ skids - $13.99

Product Overview
PROMELT SLICER EXTREME is the ideal blend of complex
chlorides with magnesium chloride pellets. PROMELT
SLICER EXTREME was created to offer the ultimate in fast
melting action even during extreme weather conditions,
while limiting the chloride impact on the environment.

Magnesium chloride is well known for its hygroscopic
nature, lower working temperature, low toxicity levels,
and less chloride content. When combined with our
complex chloride blend, this environmentally friendlier
ice melter will reduce the amount of harmful chlorides
that go into the environment and increase melting
performance. An essential tool in any snow professional’s
arsenal of snow fighting products.

Product Features
• Superior ice melting performance
• Hygroscopic nature speeds up the brining process
• Bores down into the snow & ice pack upon impact
• Performs to -13˚F (-25˚C )
• Longer lasting residual effect, reducing reapplication
• Emits less chlorides into the environment
• Less harmful to concrete and the environment due to
its low alkalinity
• Safer for people, plants and pets
• 100% natural
• Low toxicity (LD50)
• Appealing color prevents over application
• Easy application - convenient 44lb (20kg)
packaging for easy handling

Blended products have become a staple in the market as a
cost effective alternative to the higher priced low chloride
products. We have created the ideal blend in PROMELT
SLICER EXTREME as it contains a high percentage of
magnesium chloride pellet which will provide you with the
added value benefits of an environmentally friendlier ice
melter without the added costs. One such benefit would be
a significant increase in melting performance versus straight
salt. As you can see from the chart on the left, magnesium
& calcium chlorides have a far larger melting capability
than sodium chloride.

Atmospheric relative humidity dictates any given chlorides
performance capabilities in extreme weather conditions. By
adding magnesium chloride pellet to our complex chloride
crystals, we ensure that PROMELT SLICER EXTREME
performs at a relative humidity level where straight salt
alone is no longer effective.

The percentage of chloride content in magnesium chloride
is significantly lower than all other chlorides on the market.
PROMELT SLICER EXTREME helps to reduce the chlorides
emitted into the environment not only by the percentage
reduction, but by reducing the application rate as well.

Product Application
For application in general conditions, evenly sprinkle ¼ to
1/3 cup (57 to 76 grams) of PROMELT SLICER EXTREME per
square yard (metre) for driveways and walkways. Melting
begins immediately and melting action will continue longer
than many other commonly used de-icers. Shovel off slush.
Thick accumulations of ice may require additional applications.
For optimum results, remove all loose snow and slush from
driveways, steps and walkways before applying.

(1 skid = 56 x 20 kg)

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Promelt Slicer Extreme (20 kg)

$12.40 USD Bag
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Promelt Slicer Extreme (20 kg)
$12.40 USD Bag

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Price per bag on order of 6-9 skids - $14.99
Price per bag on order of 10+ skids - $13.99

Product Overview
PROMELT SLICER EXTREME is the ideal blend of complex
chlorides with magnesium chloride pellets. PROMELT
SLICER EXTREME was created to offer the ultimate in fast
melting action even during extreme weather conditions,
while limiting the chloride impact on the environment.

Magnesium chloride is well known for its hygroscopic
nature, lower working temperature, low toxicity levels,
and less chloride content. When combined with our
complex chloride blend, this environmentally friendlier
ice melter will reduce the amount of harmful chlorides
that go into the environment and increase melting
performance. An essential tool in any snow professional’s
arsenal of snow fighting products.

Product Features
• Superior ice melting performance
• Hygroscopic nature speeds up the brining process
• Bores down into the snow & ice pack upon impact
• Performs to -13˚F (-25˚C )
• Longer lasting residual effect, reducing reapplication
• Emits less chlorides into the environment
• Less harmful to concrete and the environment due to
its low alkalinity
• Safer for people, plants and pets
• 100% natural
• Low toxicity (LD50)
• Appealing color prevents over application
• Easy application - convenient 44lb (20kg)
packaging for easy handling

Blended products have become a staple in the market as a
cost effective alternative to the higher priced low chloride
products. We have created the ideal blend in PROMELT
SLICER EXTREME as it contains a high percentage of
magnesium chloride pellet which will provide you with the
added value benefits of an environmentally friendlier ice
melter without the added costs. One such benefit would be
a significant increase in melting performance versus straight
salt. As you can see from the chart on the left, magnesium
& calcium chlorides have a far larger melting capability
than sodium chloride.

Atmospheric relative humidity dictates any given chlorides
performance capabilities in extreme weather conditions. By
adding magnesium chloride pellet to our complex chloride
crystals, we ensure that PROMELT SLICER EXTREME
performs at a relative humidity level where straight salt
alone is no longer effective.

The percentage of chloride content in magnesium chloride
is significantly lower than all other chlorides on the market.
PROMELT SLICER EXTREME helps to reduce the chlorides
emitted into the environment not only by the percentage
reduction, but by reducing the application rate as well.

Product Application
For application in general conditions, evenly sprinkle ¼ to
1/3 cup (57 to 76 grams) of PROMELT SLICER EXTREME per
square yard (metre) for driveways and walkways. Melting
begins immediately and melting action will continue longer
than many other commonly used de-icers. Shovel off slush.
Thick accumulations of ice may require additional applications.
For optimum results, remove all loose snow and slush from
driveways, steps and walkways before applying.

(1 skid = 56 x 20 kg)

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